Progress & Serendipity
I started out this project having some idea of what I was going to write. I thought that'd be enough to sustain me until I got into the swing of things. The first day, I realized that though I had what I thought was the basic overall structure, I had *no idea* what any of the actual writing would be about. No characters, no plot, no nothing. So, I started writing what I knew - games, and hoped that something would coalesce in teh time it would take me to get the characters established, or figure out what the setting was, or *anything*.
Today, it began to come together. It's not really anything, in particular, but a direction simply appeared, and it made sense what I should be writing about. I'm actually not certain I've got the chops to pull off a story this complex, but I think it's worth going down in ambitious flames if need be. Besides, there's really nothing else to do - I don't have a story otherwise.
It is kind of interesting, though - the main character, Eric Wilcox, is definitely a lot like me, but clearly not. I think he's basically me, if I hadn't met Ei-Nyung, and was a little less restrained than I am.
Anyway - so far so good. Pace is as good or better than it was last year, and the weird little twists and turns that come from writing almost randomly are as fun this year as they were last year. Maybe even better. Good times.
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