Four days after Seppo, I've hit the halfway mark! W00t!
The main girl character's story took me to about 21K words, and the second third of the story (another 20 or so thousand) will be the main boy character's story. The first third of that will overlap pretty solidly with the third third of the girl's story, then take them further along.
I'm not as confident about the boy's part, but I am feeling pretty good about how the story is heading out. I am almost positive that I can't get to the end of the story by 50K words... it'll probably really come to an end around 70K, I think.
I figure things will come to the central conflict will come to a head at around 50K to 60K, then cleaning up the aftermath and wrapping things up will take another 10K or more.
I'm not sure if I'll get to finish this month. I'll definitely hit 50K. I'll try to finish this up durin the Christmas holidays while sitting on the plane to visit the family, I think. :)
Congrats! You guys are FAST this year.
One random thought: when does the "print the book for free" promotion end? You'll want to finish the story in time for that, right? Are they even doing that this year?
Actually, it's hard to believe, but we are both behind where we were last year. :D
Everyone who crosses the 50K mark by the end of November has until mid-to-end of January to request free book printing. :) That gives people time to put on finishing touches and give things a cursory edit.
I didn't get mine from last year printed up. I wish I had. I think I might do it for pay. It's not too expensive. It'll be nice to have a bookshelf of books we wrote. :)
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