Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Love & Loss

They aren't unique concepts by any stretch of the imagination. But this year, this is what I want to write about. I am taking the advice of Holly & Seppo, both of whom recommended that I write about being an immigrant, something I can draw from my own life. Write what you know, right?

I wanted to write the story of an older person looking back on their lives, but realized that I can't write with sincerity and honesty what it is like to be older and look back. I can only write what I know or can empathize with first-hand. So I plan to write a Young Adult novel about coping with [first] love and loss, basically a coming-of-age story about stumbling around to find your identity in the midst of friendships, family problems, cultural uprooting, and external expectations.

It sounds very formulaic.

And yet, I'm so excited and so terrified about the story I want to write. This year, unlike in the past, I plan to pour out my soul into the project, and pull up all the painful and beautiful memories of love. I feel like I'm embarking on a journey that will help me grow. As I said, I'm terrified but hopeful.

It all sounds so cheesy when I write it down. And this is what I fear the most, that the characters and story as I envision them will not be done justice because of my lack of skill.

This past week, I've been taking notes for the story, and pulling up all the old memories of relationships gone by and loved ones who have gone out of my life in one way or another, and for the first time in a long while, I let the memories of love & loss wash over me and grieved.

It certainly is not an autobiographical story in any sense, but in order for me to be able to tell sincere story, there are things I have to pull from my own experiences. It promises to be a painful but fulfilling journey.

Let's just hope I don't freeze up with my own expecations. *scared*


At 5:44 PM, July 26, 2006, h said...

We are but humble vessels, right? Don't let your supposed lack of skill paralize you. I think it's amazingly exciting that you are tackling a subject and theme with personal implications, that you have something to say about, that you hope to grow by working with. I'm downright jealous of the experience you're about to have. Well, really, that you've already started!

I think it's been facinating to watch you write these novels over the years. I really feel like the previous two NaNoWriMo experiences have set you up to tackle this project. Even though I've never read the novels you wrote, and I didn't see you day to day, I feel connected to the whole process. TGF and this blog help.

I also remember how the first NaNoWriMo you did was because I mentioned that I was going to try. I didn't get past 2,500 words, but you...

You are amazing, Ei-Nyung. I don't say it often enough. You inspire me every day.

At 1:55 PM, July 27, 2006, ei-nyung said...

You don't have to be jealous; you can do it too! :D

But I've been privvy to your schedule, and with your new duties at work, I can see why you would be too busy.

But I think you'd really love the experience. One of these years, definitely. :)

At 8:05 AM, July 28, 2006, Andre Alforque said...

While "Love & Loss" may seem formulaic, there is a universal sense of interest in the subject. Most everyone has had their experience, and most everyone enjoys hearing about others. It's one of the universal truths.

I hope you perform up to your expectations. Good luck!

At 9:50 AM, July 28, 2006, ei-nyung said...

Thanks for the encouraging words, both of you. :)

At 10:03 AM, July 28, 2006, h said...

Andre: You are so right.

Ei-Nyung: Maybe with this commute I have now, I could devote the hour I ride the train every day to writing? Hm.

At 10:21 AM, July 28, 2006, ei-nyung said...

OooooOOoooooooOooh! That's an idea. That would be rad.

At 10:29 AM, July 28, 2006, Andre Alforque said...

h: *gasp* does this mean the car is sold??


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