Sunday, November 27, 2005


NaNoWriMo Progress: 50,151*.

Yay! Across the finish line! Now we are just waiting for you, kerowack! You are so close. And for all of us, the main thing is that we all wrote and wrote and learned something wonderful from the experience. I think we've all written more than we had ever written for one project before and gained some insight into what works for us and what doesn't. Some of us made headway into projects that had been kicking around in our heads for a while. All of us produced something more than we had previously thought possible. What more could you ask for?

Some stats:
  • Total Hours: 32.05
  • Avg Words Written Per Day: 1,857
  • Ave Hours Writing Per Day: 1.19
  • Avg Words Per Hour: 1,564

*The official NaNoWriMo wordcount verifier is a little more generous than Word and says I have 50,205 words. :)


At 10:30 AM, November 28, 2005, kerowack said...

You guys rock and soon, with some work, I'll rock as well. I'll take Wednesday off of school if I have to in order to hit 50k (but it shouldn't have come to that...a bit of indecision and Thanksgiving are no excuse).

I figured that my idea would fit easily into 50k, but as I near it, I doubt I'll stop short of 60 (predicting in the mid 50s).

I'll always remember the month where the three of you joined me in this weird adventure and will remain proud of all of you.

At 7:33 PM, November 30, 2005, kerowack said...

I never requested the power to post on this blog, but I'm honestly going to miss it. This was my little retreat when I felt like the rest of the world thought I was crazy for writing a book.

Thanks guys...You all rock.


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