Saturday, November 19, 2005

Plot: Snarled. Mood: Optimistic

NaNoWriMo Progress: 38,115.

My plot has not magically made itself known to me. I'm really confused as to what the right thing to do is right now, but as I noted on the TGF forum, my typing speed has gone way, way up. It's really like my Inner Editor, who had been duct-taped, gagged, and locked up unconcious in the closet, has died, so I no longer even hear her grunting and trying to move around in there. I suppose that is good in some ways, as I feel a lot more freedom now, but I worry that what I'll read later on review will be horrendous. Ah, that worry must mean that the Inner Editor is not in fact dead, but just taking a nap. Good.

I think Seppo's crossing the finish line might have lit a fire under my butt. Literally. Ouch. Someone get a fire extinguisher. Only you can prevent a forest fire.

See what I mean? The Inner Editor is so doped up.


At 7:30 PM, November 21, 2005, kerowack said...

You guys are faster than me, but only just. I'd probably be quicker if I didn't write everything in a big blue notebook and then spend an evening transferring it all to the CPU.

I'm caught up in the race between Mac and eingy! You're both neck and neck!

Chad should've attempted this if only for the puns I've lost along the way.

At 7:31 PM, November 21, 2005, kerowack said...

BTW, I'm at 37,902. Don't know what's wrong with my bar over there.

At 8:14 PM, November 21, 2005, MacFadyen said...

Sometimes it takes a while for the bar to update here. I've temporarily passed eingy, but I'm done for the day now and I'm sure she'll jump ahead of me once she's finished for the day. It's good motivation but now I'm motivated more by the view of the finish line. It's hard to make myself stop now that I'm getting so close. :o

At 9:22 PM, November 21, 2005, ei-nyung said...

The bar only updates once every hour, per the request of the NaNoWriMo site administrators. :D Sorry for the confusion!


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