Thursday, November 10, 2005

Another difficult climb

NaNoWriMo Progress: 20,791.

Yay! I crossed the 20K line. Unfortunately, I notice that I didn't plan a reward for myself for this milestone. Boo. The next one is at 25K. The content was... rather weak today. I think I threw my pacing off because I spent a lot of time working on two scenes that should only have been about a couple of hundred words per scene because I wasn't sure what I wanted to do next or how to get to the other scene I have planned. Oh well. Progress is progress, both in wordcount and plot, and I did get some in both.

This is supposed to be the hardest week, and I think I'm feeling it.


At 1:06 PM, November 11, 2005, Seppo said...

Me, too - it's definitely a chore to get started most nights, and I'll end the night with only a paragraph or two I'm really satisfied by. But it's still part of getting to know the characters and such, so it's definitely illuminating, but more work. :D

At 3:43 PM, November 11, 2005, kerowack said...

The past three days have been mixed moments of inspiration and distraction. I'm so glad I got the head start. My schedule, and my mentality, would keep me from finishing otherwise.

Knowing myself, I'd compare my wordcount to others and then instead of writing just keep beating myself up for not writing or just out and out panicking.

Once I'm past 35 everything should be good (the word count, not the age).


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