Tip of the Day - No Criticism
If you decide to let people read your work during NaNoWriMo, make sure to make 100% clear to them that you are in NO WAY WHATSOEVER soliciting feedback from them yet. During the month, there is no room or time for self-doubt. Accepting even the kindest constructive criticism when you've worked so hard to banish your own evil Inner Editor will be to your detriment. Any feedback should be overwhelmingly positive and supportive, even if it's all a lie. Every word you've written is golden and should be enshrined in a museum for the world to gaze upon. Your amazing talents should be exalted in poetry.
Don't let yourself get discouraged during the month. Afterwards, you can gnash your teeth and gripe about the horror that you've written and edit the crap out of it, but during the month, don't you dare let anyone (including yourself) critique yourself. You have stories to tell. You are a storyteller and the idea is to get it on paper before it disappears forever from the world. Get the story down, then later worry about getting the words right and filtering for the relevant pieces so that other people can understand what you've written.
For this month, just soar.
ETA: I mean NEXT month! :D
I guess the only feedback that would be useful is plot direction feedback, especially if you are getting a little stuck. That said, I never let anyone read anything but snippets from my novel last year. :)
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