Monday, October 31, 2005

My Milestone Rewards

Primary rewards -- these are all tentative so far:
  • 5K: Wear my NaNoWriMo shirt in public. Hee. Shaddup.
  • 10K: Go see Walk the Line? This may not work because of timing.
  • 17K: Buy a book I like.
  • 25K: Nice dinner out?
  • 35K: Buy a DVD? Which one?
  • 40K: TV series?
  • 50K: Nice coat or sneakers?
Auxiliary rewards:
  • Whoever (i.e. between Seppo and me) crosses the 15K line first gets to keep the Serenity Visual Companion Book or whatever it was called.
  • Watch Prison Break if I'm current on my daily quota.
  • Watch 1 episode of Desperate Housewives for every 1000 words over daily running total requirement.
  • No reading recaps or discussions on TelevisionWithoutPity for the entire month.
  • No reading Overheard In NewYork unless I commit to using it for a scene idea as soon as I am done reading. This could be fun, actually.


At 9:15 PM, October 31, 2005, casacaudill said...

so here's my problem ... these rewards and restrictions i try to come up with? yeah, i do what i want regardless. i remember as a kid thinking, "when i'm a grown up i'll do what i want, when i want" i think i kinda took it to heart. when i was dieting i told myself, when i lose 5 pounds, i'll get a mani/pedi and when i lose 10 pounds i'll buy a new outfit. two days later i went shopping and then went and got a mani/pedi. i have no willpower.

At 10:14 PM, October 31, 2005, ei-nyung said...

I'm supposed to be on a book and dvd ban. I've violated this only twice for DVDs since getting Netflix then TiVo and twice for books since getting my library card. I have the same problem with doing whatever I want as a grown-up too. When I see a new mint brand or package, I pick it up. If there is a new type of snack, I try it right away. It's pretty fun, yet terrible in its own way. :D

I think that the best thing is to pick something that is REALLY truly a luxury for you that you would feel absolutely too guilty to indulge in. As professional adults, there isn't too much of that, but I'm sure you'll think of something! :)

At 11:07 PM, October 31, 2005, Seppo said...

Shadow of the Colossus at 40K, a Shun 8" chef's knife at 50K.

5K gets me 4 packs of Pirates of the Barbary Coast cards, 10K gets me my NaNoWriMo shirt. Not sure about 20/30K, but it'll probably be Sly 3 and Ratchet: Deadlocked, since I've already got 'em, but haven't opened 'em yet. Definitely looking forward to it.

At 10:14 AM, November 01, 2005, Seppo said...

Gonna try to get to 5K today.



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